Building Construction

Multi-database Journal Article Searching

Use these two tools to search across a wide range of construction-related databases simultaneously. This is a good starting point, but will not support in-depth searches.

Specialist Construction Journals

Individual Databases

These databases collect articles together from newspapers, academic and trade journals and other publications. Search here for the latest news and academic research.

Working out if a journal is peer-reviewed

There are several ways you can find out if a journal is peer-reviewed.

1) Check the home page of the journal.  Generally if a journal is peer-reviewed, they are not going to be shy to say so.

2) Use the 'peer-reviewed journal' limiters on databases such as EBSCO, Articles Express.  Note: The vast majority of content on ScienceDirect is peer-reviewed as well.  

3) Insert the word "peer-reviewed" in your search on other databases.  

4) Use Ulrich's Web to search for a journal title.  If a journal is peer-reviewed, it will have this icon on the left hand side: 

Warning: A few journals say that they are peer-reviewed, but still publish some non-peer-reviewed articles. Check the journal home page/s carefully, especially if you can't find a DOI, and if you're unsure if an article is peer-reviewed, contact Adrian.

Need help with journal databases?

Have a look at these videos and guides.

Searching databases for journal articles and news

All about Peer Reviewed Journals

A few tips on using Google Scholar