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Student Success group

Learning Advisors Appointments: Study Skills

All our learning advisors can help you with questions related to academic reading and writing, referencing and exam techniques.


Get help from the Learning Advisor team. Visit an Academic Development Lecturer: 

Monday - Friday, semester time only

  • Mt Albert Campus: B180, Level 1  - 11.00am - 1.00pm
  • Waitākere Campus: B510 Level 1, Te Rangimarie (next to Student Central) - Thursdays: 11.00am - 1.00pm

English Conversation Hour drop-in

Come along, make friends and practise conversational English with your peers and a Learning Advisor.

Semester time only

Wednesdays: 1.00-2.00pm: B182-2003 Ruth Laing & Ruth Kikuchi

Book an appointment with a Learning Advisor at the location that suits you

Students are limited to one appointment with a Learning Advisor per week and only 2 per month.

All appointments are 45 minutes in length.

Appointments can be booked up to 14 days in advance.

If you have any problems, please email