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DIY Maths
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Variables and expressions
Order of operations
Expanding expressions with brackets
Exponent basics
Radicals basics
Evaluating expressions
Evaluating a formula using substitution
Solving one-step equations
Solving two-step equations
Solving multi-step equations
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Place value
Comparing and ordering decimals
Rounding to a place
Significant figures
Standard form and engineering notation
Adding decimals
Subtracting decimals
Multiplying decimals
Dividing decimals
Converting decimals to fractions
Converting decimals to percents
Converting between decimals, fractions and percents
Ordering decimals, fractions and percents
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Understanding fractions
Simplifying (reducing) fractions
Equivalent fractions
Comparing fractions
Ordering fractions
Mixed numbers and improper fractions
Adding fractions
Subtracting fractions
Adding and subtracting mixed numbers
Multiplying fractions
Dividing fractions
Multiplying and dividing mixed numbers
Converting fractions to decimals
Converting fractions to percents
Converting between fractions, decimals and percents
Ordering fractions, decimals and percents
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The number line
Ordering negative numbers
Number opposites
Absolute value
Adding and subtracting with negative numbers
Multiplying with negative numbers
Dividing with negative numbers
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Metric units of measure
Perimeter of squares, rectangles and triangles
Circumference of circles
Area of squares, rectangles and triangles
Area of circles
Surface area of cubes, cuboids and triangular prisms
Surface area of cylinders
Volume of cubes, cuboids and triangular prisms
Volume of cylinders, cones, spheres and pyramids
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Solving percent problems
Express increase/decrease as a percentage
Converting percents to fractions
Converting percents to decimals
Converting between percents, fractions and decimals
Ordering percents, fractions and decimals
Mean, median and mode
Range, variation and standard deviation
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All about angles
Similar triangles
The Pythagorean Theorem
Introduction to sine, cosine and tangent
Find an unknown side length
Find an unknown angle measure
Using trig in the real world
Basic statistics
Measurements of central tendency: Mean, median and mode
In this module, you can study how to find the mean, median and mode of a set of data.
Measurements of dispersion: Range, variation and standard deviation
In this module you can study how to find the range, variation and standard deviation of a set of data.
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Ordering percents, fractions and decimals
Mean, median and mode >>