If you have any questions regarding your loan laptop please email studentcentral@unitec.ac.nz
Unitec expects all laptops, chargers, and bags to be returned at the end of the contract period which is on the copy of your contract.
Extensions are not usually permitted, as other students are waiting for a loan laptop.
If there is a particular reason for wanting an extension, please email Student Central as soon as possible, as returning your laptop and other accessories late could result in a fine.
Clean and sanitise: If the loan laptop, charger, or laptop bag is dirty, please clean it before you return it to us. So, how do you clean a laptop?
Power down your laptop and unplug it from the mains.
If you can, remove the battery.
Take a dry, lint-free microfibre cloth and wipe the lid in a circular motion – this should remove most fingerprints and marks.
Identify more stubborn dirt and use a second, slightly damp microfibre cloth. Wipe stains with the wet cloth and then swap to the dry cloth to remove any residual moisture. Don't use the damp cloth around ports, sockets or vents.
Clean your laptop vents with a microfibre cloth, taking care not to push too hard against the plastic covering.
Swap over to a cotton bud and use that to remove any dust in the air vents that your cloth can't reach. Don't jab the cotton bud inside the computer.
Returning the laptop: Please drop off the laptop, charger, and laptop bag at a Student Central office. You must physically give the device to a staff member at Student Central and wait for them to check the condition of the laptop, charger, and laptop bag before you leave. The Student Central staff member will provide you with a digital receipt if everything has been returned in excellent condition.