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ARCHIVE Copyright data collection 2022

Spreadsheet links

Please note that the initial data for Semester 2, 2022 was generated on the 15th June and contained a lot of courses that didn't have a lecturer assigned or showed 0 students. The spreadsheets have been updated with information from Peoplesoft as at 8th Aug.

Data Collection Co-ordinators

If you have questions regarding the process or require support to complete the Data Collection Form please contact:

Vince Shepherd (

Steps teaching staff must take

Step 1 :  Go to the SharePoint folder link above and open the Spreadsheet for your school for 2022 Sem 2

Note: The first 6 columns of the spreadsheet have been pre-populated with information that has been taken from PeopleSoft. The Enrolment total  (for all classes) will be updated when enrolment has been closed for the semester. 

Step 2 : Find the courses under your name (the sheet is sorted alphabetically by teacher surname)

Step 3: For each course under your name answer the question in column G of the spreadsheet:  'Has copyright material been used from a print source?' - answer Yes or No 

To answer the question check ALL the pieces of information you are providing to your students.  If they include material that comes from a printed source (book textbook, journal, magazine or newspaper) source, even if it’s been scanned and converted to digital format, put YES into this column and proceed to step 4. If you can answer NO in column G you don’t have to complete the rest of the columns for that row.

Spreadsheet Column Column Header Data you must enter
G Has Copyright Material been used from a print source? Yes or No

Step 4:  If you answered Yes to column G you will need to complete columns H-M in the spreadsheet as described in the guidance below

Note: Think about each piece of information that you are providing for your students.  You will need to fill in a separate row on the spreadsheet for each item copied or scanned. If you need more than one row copy the row for that course and insert it at above or below the row you copied

Spreadsheet Column Column Header Data you must enter
H Publication Name (Book, Journal, Magazine or Newspaper) Name of the publication e.g Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions
Author/s Please list all the authors  of the book, textbook, or journal/periodical/newspaper article e.g Peter Harris, Sue Nagy, Nicholas J Vardaxis
J Publisher Publisher of the book, textbooks, journal, periodical or newspaper e.g Elsevier Australia
K Date of publication Enter the date of the edition that you are using, or the volume/issue no of the journal e.g 2013
L ISBN/ISSN ISBN (10 or 13 digit number for books) or ISSN (4-4 digits for journals) - e.g 9780729541381 - see more guidance about ISBN and ISSN under FAQs .
M Page Range Copied This should list the first and last pages used in the course materials, and it could include multiple sets, like this: for example 7-13, 18-21
N Total number of pages in book (optional) How long is the book? Have you checked you did not copy more than 10%?
O Notes (optional) Please note if you make any changes to columns A-F of the spreadsheet and include your name. Also note if the copying was for examination purposes. Also note edition or other identifying features if you do not know ISBN. Also note if the course covers more than one semester and which semesters

For Deadline Dates see 'Key Dates' on left menu