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Library hours

Opening hours for libraries at Unitec
Need to return library books/items?
Mt Albert Campus: Items can be returned at B180 (Te Puna) at the Ask Me Desk, through the return box at the entrance by Breaktime/Subway, or through the return box at the entrance by Student Central.
Waitākere campus: Items can be returned through the Waitākere Public Library returns slot as well as within the Unitec Library.

Building Access hours

This table shows building hours for our locations (for staff availability, scroll down)


Building Access Te Puna Student Hub (B180) Waitākere Library (B520 - Level 3) ** Waitākere Rangi Marie 
located on B510 - level 1  near Student Central
      (teaching weeks, study & exam weeks, and semester breaks)
Monday 7am to 9pm 8am to 5pm 6.30am to 9pm
Tuesday 7am to 9pm 8am to 5pm 6.30am to 9pm
Wednesday 7am to 9pm 8am to 5pm 6.30am to 9pm
Thursday 7am to 9pm 8am to 5pm 6.30am to 9pm
Friday 7am to 6pm 8am to 5pm 6.30am to 9pm
Saturday 7am to 6pm 10am to 2pm from 27 July to 16 November 7am - 4pm
Sunday 7am to 6pm CLOSED CLOSED

Public holidays in 2024 including

  • Monday 28 October (Labour Day)

** Waitākere library is accessible via the sky-bridge through Unitec Building 510, Level 3 (swipe card entry via Student Central doors).

Library/Ask Me staff availability

Mt Albert - Weekdays

  • Library staff will be available via phone or email from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday,
  • Library/Ask Me Desk staff will be available for in person enquiries at Mt Albert Campus Te Puna Library (Building 180) from Monday to Thursday between 8am to 6pm and on Fridays from 8am to 5pm during semester time (except Public holidays). 

Mt Albert - Weekends

  • Library staff are available during semester time only on Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 4pm if the building is open. 

Waitākere Campus Library

  • At Waitākere the Unitec Library staff will be available in person when level 3 of building 520 is open (see building hours above)

Freephone: 0800 10 75 10
