Animal Studies

Today's Veterinary Practice & Today's Veterinary Nurse

"Today's Veterinary Practice" and "Today's Veterinary Nurse" are two online open-access PEER-REVIEWED journals. Access them here. 

Today's Veterinary Practice

Today's Veterinary Nurse

Animal Studies students & staff can also subscribe to the digital version of both journals free!  To do this, go to the following links

Subscribe to "Today's Veterinary Practice"

Subscribe to "Today's Veterinary Nurse"

Notornis & Birds New Zealand

'Notornis' is the peer-reviewed journal and 'Birds New Zealand' is the magazine of the Ornithological Society of New Zealand.  Click here to search for articles in these publications.

The library also subscribes to these publications in print/hard copy. Find more details, including where to find them on the library shelf, here:


Birds New Zealand

Multi-database Searching

Click here to search across a wide range of animal studies-related databases simultaneously. This is a good starting point, but will not support in-depth searches.

"The Veterinary Nurse" Journal

This is the leading international peer-reviewed journal for veterinary nurses.  It contains evidence-based clinical, educational and practical articles, in addition to the latest nurse-led veterinary research. 

IMPORTANT: Once into the MAG Online Library click on the journal logo or the words 'Journal Home' to search within this journal.

"Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens"

"Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens" is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal on the intersection of fauna and flora conservation, published quarterly online by MDPI. The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) is affiliated with the JZBG

"VetScript" magazine

VetScript is the magazine of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. Unitec Library subscribes to this journal in print/hard copy. You can see details of the latest issues and where to find them on the shelf here. Being a magazine, it is not peer-reviewed, but still has some useful content.

Individual Databases

These databases are useful when searching for articles in the animal studies subject area, particularly when you want to do a more advanced search.

Working out if a journal is peer-reviewed

There are several ways you can find out if a journal is peer-reviewed.

1) Check the home page of the journal.  Generally if a journal is peer-reviewed, they are not going to be shy to say so.

2) Use the 'peer-reviewed journal' limiters on databases such as EBSCO, Articles Express.  Note: The vast majority of content on ScienceDirect is peer-reviewed as well.  

3) Insert the word "peer-reviewed" in your search on other databases.  

4) Use Ulrich's Web to search for a journal title.  If a journal is peer-reviewed, it will have this icon on the left hand side: 

Warning: A few journals say that they are peer-reviewed, but still publish some non-peer-reviewed articles. Check the journal home page/s carefully, especially if you can't find a DOI, and if you're unsure if an article is peer-reviewed, contact Adrian.