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Vendors' copyright terms of use

This gives you information on copyright terms of use for databases and eresources

Vendors' copyright terms of use

Proquest - includes Academic Complete, ebook central and Scitech

  1. Can I link from Moodle to the Database? 
    Yes you can put a URL link to the Database on Moodle to allow students to access the content.
  2. Can I make multiple print copies of content within this database such as journal articles or images? 
    No but from Scitech you can print content multiple times (see special EPIC clause about Scitech below)
  3. Can I put a digital copy of content within this database on Moodle or other course related system requiring student login?
  4. Inter-library loan permitted?
    Yes in accordance with the ILL provision below


Academic Complete License Agreement  for 2022-2024, and  Proquest Terms and Conditions retrieved on 29 May 2024 from Also see special EPIC clause about SciTech below.

Here is an extract from Exhibit A of the License Agreement:

1(e) Academic Institutions, Schools, and Public Libraries. If Customer is an academic institution, school, or public library:

i. Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Library Customer may loan digital or print copies of materials retrieved from the Service to other libraries, provided that
(i) loans are not done in a manner or magnitude that would replace the receiving library’s own subscription to the Service or purchase of the underlying work (e.g., newspaper, magazine, book),
(ii) Customer complies with any special terms governing specific content or licensors as described in this Agreement,
(iii) with respect to ebooks, copying is limited to small portions of a book, and
iv) Customer complies with all laws and regulations regarding ILL.

ii. Scholarly Sharing. Customer and its Authorized Users may provide to a third party colleague minimal, insubstantial amounts of materials retrieved from the Service for personal use or scholarly, educational research use in hard copy or electronically, provided that in no case is any such sharing done in a manner or magnitude as to act as a replacement for the recipient's or recipient educational institution's own subscription to either the Service or the purchase of the underlying work.

Special EPIC clause about SciTech:

Revise to state “4.7 Sub-licensees that are “educational institutions” under the Copyright Act 1994 may use a reasonable portion of the content from the Products in the preparation of “course packs”, being links to collections of compilations of materials (e.g. book chapters, journal articles) assembled by the institution for use by its enrolled students in connection with courses of instruction offered by the institution provided that each individual article is printed directly from the on-line database system that allows a “hit” to be registered on the ProQuest on-line system so that the publisher royalty can be accurately tracked and paid. They may also use a reasonable portion of the content from the Products to compile “course reserves”, being links to materials (e.g. book chapters, journal articles) made and stored by the institution for use by its enrolled students in connection with courses of instruction offered by the institution provided that such use is done using links from Licensee’s electronic reserves system directly on to the on-line database system in a manner that allows a “hit” to be registered on the ProQuest on-line system so that the publisher royalty can be accurately tracked and paid.”

This information is updated until end 2024.