Extracts from: Standard EPIC member Sub-License Agreement between Department of Internal Affairs (National Library) and Te Pukenga 2023-2024:
Clause 2.1:
(g) Course Packs means links to collections or compilations of materials (e.g. book chapters, journal articles) assembled by an institution for use by its enrolled students in connection with courses of instruction offered by the institution in accordance with the fair use provisions of copyright law;
(h) Course Reserves means links to materials, collections or compilations of materials (e.g. book chapters, journal articles) made and stored by an institution for use by its enrolled students in connection with courses of instruction offered by the institution in accordance with the fair use provisions of copyright law
Clause 4.6:
Providing such uses are not prohibited in the copyright statement accompanying the Product, the Sub-Licensee may supply either a single paper copy or an electronic copy of an individual document from the Products to another New Zealand library for the purposes of research or private study by a person in New Zealand. Electronic copies must by supplied by secure electronic transmission and must be deleted by the recipient library as soon as reasonably practicable.
Clause 4.7:
As long as such uses are not prohibited in the copyright statement accompanying the sub-licensed material, Authorised Users of “educational establishments” under the Copyright Act 1994 may use a reasonable portion of the content from the Products to prepare or compile Course Reserves and Course Packs.