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Vendors' copyright terms of use

This gives you information on copyright terms of use for databases and eresources

Vendors' copyright terms of use

ACM Digital Portal

  1. Can I link from Moodle to the Database? 
    Yes you can put a URL link to the Database on Moodle to allow students to access the content.
  2. Can I make multiple print copies of content within this database such as journal articles or images? 
    Yes wihin the limits mentioned below
  3. Can I put a digital copy of content within this database on Moodle or other course related system requiring student login?
    Yes wihin the limits mentioned below
  4. Inter-library loan permitted?
    Yes within the limits of clause 4.6 below  (see also Copyright Act 1994 section 53)


2023 License Agreement

Clause 2
ACM grants to the Licensee the non-exclusive rights to search, browse, view, and download the content in the DL. All downloading and printing by Authorized Users will be for the Licensee’s use only, unless approved by ACM in writing. Remote access to the DL by members of the general public is not permitted. Authorized Users may download, print, and copy items from the DL for their use in connection with classroom instruction and related educational purposes, but may not redistribute or make available access to the DL for any commercial purposes.

Clause 12
The Licensee and individual users affiliated with the Licensee may make digital or hard copies of the individual articles contained within the DL, as long as such copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and all such copies bear the ACM copyright notice. The Licensee's Authorized Users may download and print articles for personal use and archive contents on their own personal computers. Facsimile images that are exact representations of the print pages or of printouts from the electronic database may be provided for interlibrary loan under CONTU guidelines and distributed in paper, fax, or digital form. Libraries may include copies of DL digital content in local electronic course reserve systems limited to use of Authorized Users of current classes.


This information is based on the 2023 license agreement. Please contact the Copyright Officer for updates from 2024 onwards.