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Vendors' copyright terms of use

This gives you information on copyright terms of use for databases and eresources

Vendors' copyright terms of use

New Zealand Standards Online

  1. Can I make multiple copies of standards from this database?
    No except for purposes of examination (see below)
  2. Can I link directly to a standard in the database from Moodle?
    Yes because we have an agreement with the Vendor for deep-linking -- see how to get a link below*.
  3. Can I put a copy of a PDF on Moodle?
    No except for the purposes of examination (see below)
  4. Inter-library loan permitted?
  5. Can I use genAI with this database?
    In order to comply with our license agreements Unitec students and staff must not use library databases or the materials within them in conjunction with a generative artificial intelligence solution. The only exception to this is using genAI functionality that is built into the database as part of the product.

Copyright Compliance Guidelines provided by the Vendor in 2017. For details see:

*Linking to the standards:

Exception for Examinations and assignments
s.49 of the Copyright Act says: “ Copyright is not infringed by anything done for the purposes of an examination, whether by way of setting the questions, communicating the questions to the candidates, or answering the questions”

Staff and students may copy anything for the purposes of examination. Examinations include any work which counts towards a student’s final grade in a course, including assignments and theses. However note that this exception does not allow the work to subsequently be made publicly available.

However please note that Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand require the following to be done to comply with the core purpose (the examination):

  • The standards must be included as an appendix to the exam so they can be removed from the wider exam

  • Each of the appendices with standards must include the appropriate copyright ownership reference, for example:

Copyright in AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 is owned jointly by Standards Australia and the Crown in right of New Zealand administered by the New Zealand Standards Executive.
Copyright in NZS 4230:2004 is owned by the Crown in right of New Zealand and administered by the New Zealand Standards Executive.

  • The copies must be destroyed within 1 month of the exam date.

  • The copies cannot be used for any other purpose except for the examination for example they cannot be re-used as a ‘class set’