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Vendors' copyright terms of use

This gives you information on copyright terms of use for databases and eresources

Vendors' copyright terms of use

Gale (via EPIC)

  1. Can I link from Moodle to the Database?
    Yes you can put a URL link to the Database on Moodle to allow students to access the content.
  2. Can I make multiple print copies of content within this database such as journal articles or images?
    Possibly as part of a "course pack" - please check with your Subject Librarian or Unitec Copyright Officer (Library staff see note below*)
  3. Can I put a digital copy of content within this database on Moodle or other course related system requiring student login?
    Possibly as part of a "course pack" - please check with your Subject Librarian or Unitec Copyright Officer (Library staff see note below*)
  4. Inter-library loan permitted?
    Yes within the limits of clause 4.6 below  (see also Copyright Act 1994 section 53)
  5. Can I use genAI with this database?
    In order to comply with our license agreements Unitec students and staff must not use library databases or the materials within them in conjunction with a generative artificial intelligence solution. The only exception to this is using genAI functionality that is built into the database as part of the product.


Gale Terms of Use

Permitted Uses.
For your personal, internal research and educational purposes only, provided such use does not violate the Terms, and there are no restrictions prohibiting such use, you may:

  • Display and use reasonable portions of content contained in the Services.
  • Download or make printed copies of reasonable portions of content contained in the Services, provided such downloaded or printed copies retain the Cengage and its licensor’s copyright notice or if no such notice is included in the copy, a credit to Cengage and its licensor is included with the copy. Users are restricted to a total of 50 downloads per session.
  • Include hyperlinks to content contained in the Services in electronic reserves, online course packs, and/or intranet sites, accessible to Authorized Users only, provided the links do not circumvent any functionality of the Services.
  • Extract and compile data from the content comprising the Services.

Retrieved: 24/05/2023 from

However note also: 

Standard EPIC member Sub-License Agreement between Department of Internal Affairs (National Library) and Te Pukenga 2023-2024:

Clause 2.1:
(g) Course Packs means links to collections or compilations of materials (e.g. book chapters, journal articles) assembled by an institution for use by its enrolled students in connection with courses of instruction offered by the institution in accordance with the fair use provisions of copyright law;
(h) Course Reserves means links to materials, collections or compilations of materials (e.g. book chapters, journal articles) made and stored by an institution for use by its enrolled students in connection with courses of instruction offered by the institution in accordance with the fair use provisions of copyright law

Clause 4.6:
Providing such uses are not prohibited in the copyright statement accompanying the Product, the Sub-Licensee may supply either a single paper copy or an electronic copy of an individual document from the Products to another New Zealand library for the purposes of research or private study by a person in New Zealand. Electronic copies must by supplied by secure electronic transmission and must be deleted by the recipient library as soon as reasonably practicable.

Clause 4.7:
As long as such uses are not prohibited in the copyright statement accompanying the sub-licensed material, Authorised Users of “educational establishments” under the Copyright Act 1994 may use a reasonable portion of the content from the Products to prepare or compile Course Reserves and Course Packs.

Note for Library staff:

See EPIC license here: H:\2. Academic Development\Student Success\Library\Resources\Contracts_and_Agreements\eResource_License_Agreements\EPIC (includes bwb, gale, proquest scitech etc)

Please contact Copyright Officer for more guidance if needed