UNPUB Osteopathy

A guide to useful resources for Osteopathy staff and students.

Grey Literature

 Grey literature refers to both published and unpublished research material that is not available commercially. Some examples of grey literature are conference papers,  theses, clinical trails, newsletters, pamphlets, reports, fact sheets, government documents, surveys, and so on.

Find Grey Literature

Open Grey : open access to 700.000 bibliographical references of grey literature (paper) produced in Europe

NZ Research



Managing Research

To keep track of your search  Citation management software collects citations from various sources, organizes them and complies them into a bibliography or list of works cited. The software helps create citations in many referencing styles like APA. The library supports 2 citation management software Mendeley, and Zotero

Reasons to choose

Mendeley:  is a free, cloud-based, citation and PDF manager as well as an academic social network. If your research is primarily contained in PDF files, Mendeley has an integrated PDF viewer and can create citation records just from importing a PDF file

Zotero:  is free software that allows you to collect, manage and cite your references. If your research content is diverse it is the easiest method to gather citation records for both PDF & non-PDF content

Useful websites