Interior Design

Interior Design magazines

Most Interior Design magazines can be found on the third floor interfiled with the books.

Or request a magazine and pick it up form our Hold shelf on Level one of Te Puna

Kia ora, Welcome to Unitec Interior Design library guide

Kia ora, welcome. This guide is for Interior Design staff and and students - it brings resources related to interior design together to help you locate information for study and research.

"Lounge Motel One Muenchen-Haidhausen" by Nadine Rupp is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Quick tips for research

Quick Tips for Research

1. Choose your keywords carefully (Video 1:28min)

2. Use the Library Catalogue and this Subject Guide to find resources

3. Keep track of what you find and where you find it (Reference Management tools).

4. Use the Study Toolbox for writing and other study tips.

5. Check you references in the Chicago referencing guide

6. Ask Laura Sawyer, your librarian, if you have any questions

Also See:

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Laura Sawyer
815 4321 ext 7397

Learn how to search the library catalogue