Architecture Archive - University of AucklandThe act of accumulating architects drawings began in 1975 with the donation of some drawings by Mr. H.L. Massey. These were followed a short time later by a collection of the work of Gummer and Ford. Within two years a considerable collection of drawings had been assembled and documented, reflecting the works of some of Auckland's more prominent architects from the early part of the twentieth century. Some of these being M.K. & R.F. Draffin, R.A. Lippincott, Vernon Brown, Group Architects, Abbott & Annabel.
The act of accumulating architects drawings began in 1975 with the donation of some drawings by Mr. H.L. Massey. These were followed a short time later by a collection of the work of Gummer and Ford. Within two years a considerable collection of drawings had been assembled and documented, reflecting the works of some of Auckland's more prominent architects from the early part of the twentieth century. Some of these being M.K. & R.F. Draffin, R.A. Lippincott, Vernon Brown, Group Architects, Abbott & Annabel.
Over the ensuing years, additions have been consistently made by donation of not only working and perspective drawings but also the equally important specifications, photographs and other items allied to the architectural and construction process.
In 1977 a project was carried out to assemble the materials relating to the New Zealand Institute of Architects awards, which had begun in 1927. Consequent to this project we have become the repository for the NZIA Annual awards. The geographical basis of the collection is Auckland, although there are projects from other parts of the country, as some of the firms carried out work outside the region.