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Assignment Toolbox

Academic Integrity & the Academic Integrity Moodle Course

Academic Integrity means intellectual honesty with regard to the use of information and in the pursuit of knowledge and understand.


Definitions of Plagiarism

Using others' ideas or work and presenting these as one's own without acknowledgement of the source, whether this is done intentionally or not.

This may include but is not limited to:

  1. Copying or using any sentences, paragraphs, computer files or codes, multimedia, research data, create products or website data that are the work of others without appropriate acknowledgment.

  1. Closely paraphrasing sentences, paragraphs or themes of others without appropriate acknowledgement.

  1. Using, summarising or extracting another person's concepts, experimental results, or conclusions with appropriate acknowledgement.  Submitting material obtained from internet-based essay depositories or similar sources.

  1. Submitting material obtained from internet-based essay depositories or similar sources.

  1. Use of others, paid or not, to research, write or present any material submitted for assessment.

  1. Submitting one's own previously assessed or published work for assessment or publication elsewhere, without appropriate acknowledgement and/or approval (self-plagiarism).

How to Get it Right

If you use other people's work, you must acknowledge them.

For example, you might find some useful information in a book that you want to use in your essay. You can either quote, summarise or paraphrase this information. However, make sure you reference this correctly in both the body of your essay (in-text referencing) and at the end (reference list).

Check with your lecturer about which referencing style you should use. Then use the following resources to assist you with your assignment writing. 

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