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Note taking from books



What is paraphrasing?

Means putting some else's ideas or information into your own words Writing the ideas down in your own words shows the lecturer your understanding You may also summarise the key ideas, but you must not change the meaning of the original text


"Exercise is not synonymous with physical activity.  It is a subcategory of physical activity.  Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive and purposive, in the sense that improvement or maintenance of physical fitness is an objective" (Nieman, 1999, p.35).


According to Nieman (1999), exercise is one aspect of physical activity.  Exercise refers to any physical activity that is organised, forcussed and sustained.  He states that the aim of exercise is to promote ongoing body fitness.


According to Nieman (1999), the terms 'exercise' and 'physical activity' do not have identical meanings.  If a physical activity needs to have the goal of either increasing a person's fitness or keeping it at a stable level.


Exercise does not mean the same as physical activity.  If is a subgroup of physical activity.  Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structures, repeated and has a purpose, which is that of improvement or maintenance of physical fitness.


APA Referencing