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Assignment Toolbox

Linking within and between your paragraphs

Linking words and phrases can connect ideas within sentences, between sentences and from one paragraph to another. They can indicate the order of ideas, the relationship between ideas, examples, summaries or conclusions.

Examples of links within text

Within a sentence Participants in research are considered to be vulnerable so they need to be protected by the use of pseudonyms.
Between sentences

First year students are often uncertain about how to reference their assignments correctly. However, by their second year most students can confidently cite their source.

Between paragraphs

In the previous section several advantages of using quantitative research techniques were outlined. It is also important to consider the disadvantages of these techniques. Perhaps the most significant disadvantage is…..

Other ways to connect your writing

Repeating words

Although you’ve probably been taught not to repeat yourself when writing, some repetition helps your writing to flow.

  • Effective therapeutic communication skills are essential for nurses. ;These ;skills include…

Using pronouns

Pronouns (he, she, it, they, you, this, that, etc.) can be used in the place of other words to avoid repeating words over and over.

  • Connecting words re used to bridge gaps between ideas that may appear unrelated. They may be used within a sentence, between sentences or between paragraphs.

Using synonyms

Synonyms, or words with similar meanings, are also useful for linking ideas. When chosen carefully, they can provide variety and interest in your writing.

  • Citations show in the body of your assignment exactly which ideas, definitions or views you obtained from reading material. These references briefly indicate the source of the idea.

A paragraph guide

Connecting words and examples

Giving examples: for example, for instance, in this case, to illustrate
Showing result: therefore, consequently, thus, so
Showing reasons: because, due to, so, for this reason
Showing order/time relationships: firstly, secondly, next, then, following, finally, meanwhile, after that, before, after
Concluding or summing up: in conclusion, in summary, in short, to conclude, to sum up, thus, it is clear that
Showing contrasts or differences: however, although, but, yet, while, even though, in contrast, on the one hand …on the other hand, in comparison
Showing similarities: similarly, likewise, like
Adding information: in addition, moreover, and, furthermore, besides, again, and then