New Zealand Standards Online Library provides the policies, rules and guidelines.
How to access a New Zealand Standard
Follow the instructions on this PDF document.
Note: Terms of use for NZ Standards are very strict:
Unitec License allows you to print one hard copy of a Standard for your personal use only. This copy must be destroyed at the end of the relevant course or within 12 months, whichever comes first. Downloading or electronic retention (saving on computer, USB, CD etc.) or any sharing or circulation of these Standards is not allowed. See full Terms & Conditions here.
For lecturers, more information on use of Standards in teaching and examinations is here
These are some key NZ Standards for Electrical Engineering at Unitec:
AS/NZS 3000 : Electrical Installations
AS/NZS 3001 : Electrical Installations - Transportable structures and vehicles
AS/NZS 3008.1.1 : Electrical Installations - Selection of Cables
AS/NZS 3008.1.2 : Electrical Installations - Selection of Cables
AS/NZS 3017 : Electrical Installations - Verification Guidelines
AS/NZS 3760 : Testing Electrical equipment
Note: follow the above pdf instruction to access these Standards.
The online version of NZ standards. These are the official documents prescribing standards, specifications, codes, regulations and related documents prescribing the level work must be done.
See instructions for accessing NZ Standards.