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LibGuide tips: Troubleshooting

Some tips for using LibGuides

Different views

If you are displaying a LibGuide page on a screen and the boxes do not appear as you are expecting (for example, showing mobile view instead of laptop screen view) you can zoom the content of your page in or out as appropriate.

  • To zoom in - hold down the Ctrl key and press + (plus) repeatedly (make the content of the page larger or closer to mobile view).
  • To zoom out - hold down the Ctrl key and press - (minus) repeatedly (make the content of the page small or closer to laptop view).

Try it with this page now, to see what happens!


LibGuides uses a responsive format (called Bootstrap).  This means that the content of LibGuide pages will "move" to fill the screen of the device it is being displayed on.  There for the content on a PC screen will display differently from the content on a ipad, or tablet, or a mobile phone. 

Note that the content is the same, but the order of the boxes may be different.