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Library branches

Library Collections and Resources in Te Puna (Building 180)

Te Puna (Building 180) holds our largest library. It caters for programmes taught at the Mt Albert Campus, including education, business, computing, communication, natural sciences, construction, languages,  performing and screen arts, sport and trades. The general collection is spread across levels 1, 2 and 3 according to the collection and the number on the spine label (the Dewey number).

There are 6 dedicated student group study rooms on Level 1. See description and detailed location of study rooms

Level 1

Books, Journals and DVDs between 000 - 649 including Not for Loan items from

003 Computer systems
005 Programming, programs & data (including cybersecurity)
302 Communication
305 Social groups
306 Visual culture
307.12 Urbanism
330 Economics
340-346 Law
363.11969 Health & safety

* 372 Early Childhood picture books

391 Fashion

* 426.0076 Language kits collection
* 426.4 ESL readers collection

616.0472 Pain management
621 Electrical engineering
624 Civil engineering
624.068 Construction management
624.15 Civil engineering (Geotechnical)
625 Civil engineering (Roads & Transportation)
628 Civil engineering (Water and Wastewater)
629.2 Automotive engineering
635 Gardening
636 Animal husbandry

New books and journals - recent additions that are available for loan

Recreational reading collection

Ask Me Desk and Library Enquiries - for short loan items, printed Standards and other library queries

Level 2

Books, Journals and DVDs between 650 - 726 including

657 Accounting
658 General management
658.404 Project management
684 Woodworking & furniture design
688.8 Packaging design
690 Building & construction
694 Carpentry
696.1 Plumbing & gasfitting

700-709 Art
712 Landscape design
720 Architecture

Te Kohinga Māori is a collection of resources which focuses on subjects pertaining to Māori and Māori culture.

Level 3

Books, Journals and DVDs between 727 - 999 including

720 Architecture
730 Sculpture
739 Jewellery

740-749 Design including
741.5 Drawing and graphic design
745-749 Design, furniture, interior design and craft

750 Painting
760 Graphic design
770 Photography

780 Music

791-792 Performing Arts
808.23 Screenwriting

993 New Zealand history


Reference Collection contains materials that are to be used in the library only.

Arts File of art exhibition catalogues and other information on NZ artists of an ephemeral nature

Fred Tschopp Collection includes many of Fred's photos, plans and papers from his time in New Zealand. See more information.

DVD Collection of films for loan.