Referencing Bridget Williams Books (BWB) E-Books
Bridget Williams Books (BWB) E-books do not have a Referencing help feature. Instead, please use the Unitec APA 7th or Chicago 17th for guidance on referencing these ebooks.
(Most students at Unitec use the APA 7th referencing style. Architecture students use the Chicago 17th style.)
Using Bridget Williams Books (BWB) E-books
1. In the library catalogue record, look for the View Online section and click on the link beside 'Full-Text available at:'
2. Log-in with your Unitec username and password. NOTE: Your user name your short user name (e.g. bloggj01 (students) or jbloggs (staff)).
3. The e-book should open.
4. Bridget Willliams Books (BWB) can only be read online - downloading is not possible. Click the link to go into the e-book.
Click on the chapter/section of the book you are interested in. Once in a chapter, you can navigate around the e-book using the arrows at the top-right of the screen. To go back to the Table of Contents click on the
To search for particular keywords within the text of the e-book, use the button at the top of the screen, just to the left of the title.
To highlight a part of the e-book, use your mouse or finger. Once you have done that, use the usual print and copy features that are available on your device to print or copy.
Printing, Saving & Copying parts of Bridget Williams Books (BWB) E-books
For print books, you can photocopy the pages you like the look of. For e-books, the alternative is to print, save or copy the parts of the e-books that you need.
Bridget Williams Books (BWB) E-books do not have a particular print, save or copy feature. However, you can highlight text with your mouse or finger and then use your device's normal options for printing, saving or copying.