This service provides Unitec staff and students with materials not held in the Unitec Library collections, by requesting materials, on their behalf, from other libraries and organisations within NZ or from overseas.
1. Before requesting an interloan check whether the library holds a copy of the article or has access to a full-text online copy. Watch the video below to see how to find a journal article from a reference.
2. Complete one of the following forms, giving as much detail as possible. This form is automatically sent through to the library as an Interloan request.
3. Any further questions? Check our FAQs below or contact us by email: or phone: (09) 892 8624
Current Staff
Current Unitec staff can request hard-copy publications or copies of articles/conference papers etc. up to 40 Interloan credits per year.
This includes current casual academic staff, current Honorary or visiting staff, adjunct Professors, current Unitec research fellows and current members of Unitec Council.
Current Students studying at Postgraduate level
Current enrolled Doctoral, Masters, Postgraduate Diploma & Postgraduate Certificate students can request hard-copy publications or copies of articles/conference papers etc. up to 40 Interloan credits per year.
Current Students studying at Undergraduate level
Current enrolled Bachelor, Graduate Diploma, NZ Diploma and NZ Certificate students can request hard-copy publications or copies of articles/conference papers etc. up to 10 Interloan credits per year.
For further clarity, email
How long will it take?
Allow approximately 10-14 working days for standard interloans within New Zealand to reach our library. Some articles and chapter copies may arrive within 3 days. International Interloans take longer - sometimes a month or more.
How do I know when it's arrived?
Articles and book chapters will normally be emailed to you. When a book you requested has arrived, you will be emailed instructions for collection.
How long may I have an interloan?
This varies as the lending library determines how long material may be borrowed. Some materials such as theses may only be used in the library
Can interloans be renewed?
Sometimes. Please request a renewal before the item is due.
What are the Copyright restrictions?
Articles may be requested for research or private study only. Lecturers, if you want to order something to place on Moodle, please talk to us. No more than one article from a particular journal, or two if they are on the same subject may be obtained.