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What is CiteLinker?

CiteLinker is a tool powered by software called UResolver which links you from an article citation in a database to the full text of that article. This is necessary because some of our databases contain full text and others just contain citations to articles. Before Article Linker, these databases did not link to one another.

Click on the button or link with the words "Check for full-text" to access the CiteLinker services

The CiteLinker menu page offers options and services related to that article. You may:

  • Link to the full text of the article from another database or e-journal.
  • Check availability for print versions in the Unitec LibrarySearch Catalogue
  • Contact Us to get help from librarians with your research

If the full text of the article is not available online, you may:

  • Request the material as an Interlibrary Loan if you are a postgraduate student or Unitec staff member
  • Request a copy of the article be sent to you if you are a Distance Student (if it is owned in print by Unitec) 

Not all of our databases are configured to work with Cite Linker yet, but more will be added. Some databases do not currently support the UResolver technology.

Where can I use CiteLinker?

  • Via our eJournal finder a-z listing
  • Via the journals we subscribe to with the Cite Linker service enabled
  • Via Google Scholar (where we subscribe to the journal) - see question 4 below

Contact our Information Services team to find out if a specific database is enabled with Cite Linker (Uresolver).

Who can use Cite Linker?

CiteLinker links will appear in databases licensed by Unitec Library for Unitec staff and students. These databases and CiteLinker links are available to anyone using Unitec computers on all Unitec locations. Wireless or remote access is also be available if you login with your Unitec username and password.

How do I access full-text articles from Google Scholar?

On-campus: When you do a search in Google Scholar you will see a link to "full-text @ Unitec" when we subscribe to the journal. Click on that link to access the full-text of the article.

Off-campus: You need to set Preferences in Google Scholar as follows:

  1. From the Google Scholar search screen, select Scholar Preferences.
  2. Type Unitec in the "Library Links" section and check the box next to Unitec New Zealand.
  3. Select Save Preferences.
  4. Start searching Google Scholar - you will see a link to "full-text @ Unitec" to the right of the article title when we subscribe to the journal. Click on that link to access the full-text of the article. (if you are not already logged on you may need to login with your Unitec username and password to access these resources)

Why didn't I get a full text link for my article?

Possible reasons include:

  • An online full-text version is not available through the Unitec Libraries.
  • The Cite linking has not yet been enabled for the journal your article is in.
  • Very recent articles may not yet be loaded on the publisher's website.

In any of these cases, check the Unitec LibrarySearch catalogue for online or print versions.

Why is there more than one option for full text for some journals?

There is overlap among our electronic journal collections and databases, so sometimes you will find that the full text is available from more than one source.

I clicked on "Full text available via...", but I only got to the journal's home page. Why?

The UResolver will try to get you as close as it can to the full text of the article. Often, because of the structure of the journal publisher's web site, Uresolver cannot link directly to full text. Sometimes the best UResolver can do is to take you to the table of contents or the journal's home page, and you will have to navigate the publisher's site yourself to get to the full text. Essentially, a full text link in UResolver means that full text is available, but you may have to follow a few extra links to get to it.

Why did I get no hits when I clicked on "Holdings in Unitec Library Catalogue"? I'm sure Unitec must own this - what happened?

The CiteLinker option for checking availability in the Unitec Library Catalogue is a very convenient feature that works most of the time, but it isn't 100% accurate. Because of differences in cataloguing and indexing practices, the search will occasionally not find materials that Unitec does own. Think of Cite Linker as a convenient shortcut most of the time, but if it turns up with no results you should try searching the catalogue yourself. If you do not find what you are looking for, ask a librarian for help - Contact Us.

What do I do when I get a "bad URL" or "Error 404", or some other "not found" message?

If the article you need is a very recent article from a journal, it's possible the article has not been loaded on the journal publisher's website, so Cite Linker cannot retrieve it. Unfortunately, you have to wait for the publisher to add it to their site. Another problem could be that our UResolver links are not functioning properly and need to be updated. Please let us know about any problems: Contact Us

Why didn't I get any results when I put the journal name into the CiteLinker form?

You need to put all the article details into the form. See how to use the article linker form.

Who do I contact for help?

If you have questions please ask a librarian for help - Contact Us