Mental Health is an umbrella term that can refer to the presence or absence of good mental well-being. The absence of good mental health includes a variety of mental health conditions that affect a person's thoughts, emotions and self-esteem.
Conditions such as:
Each condition is treated differently and impacts the individual differently. Although some students might have the same diagnosis, how it presents will depend on the individual. No treatment or support method is the same as another. A person's environment can play a huge role in determining how severely the mental health condition is affecting their everyday life. The pressures of work, study, transport, living costs etc. can all impact a person's mental health.
As everyone needs different support, it's important to first speak with your student and try to understand how they're effected and what helps. It is important to set aside any stereotypes you might be affected by and be open to hearing what the student needs. Most importantly, LISTEN to the individual.
If there is a crisis, and you do not feel comfortable addressing this, you need to identify who you can speak to in this instance. If it is life-threatening, call 111 and follow their directions. You can always speak with the Unitec Mental Health team for further guidance.
Great courses and training opportunities are available to build your confidence in dealing with a crisis situation.
Please get in touch with our Access4Success team. We would be happy to support you. Contact Access4Success