Locate the appointment you need to change in the Upcoming Appointment list.
Click on the trash can icon next to the When date
Select the appropriate change to the appointment, according to
User – the person to whom the student will be directed. This can be you, OR you can move the appointment to a colleague.
Date of the appointment
Location – if the person is at different locations, such as Mt Albert or Waitakere, these can be changed, and LibCal will take the location into account.
Type of appointment – the length of the appointment (Default lengths are applied to appointments within each group)
Times – LibCal will show available slots including Busy in Outlook slots. You can, however, overwrite a “Busy in Outlook” slot as it is assumed you know about this.
Send confirmation email to user (that is, student) – lets the student receive an email with the changed appointment details
Email Note – add an extra explanation to the student, regarding the change
The student will receive a revised appointment if you have checked the box Send confirmation email to user? Your calendar will be updated and you will receive a new appointment email, but no cancellation email of the original appointment.