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Student Success group

LibCal and bookings

This page is to help Unitec Student Success staff manage bookings by students

To see LibCal appointments for someone else in your team so you can manage them (especially if on leave or sick)

  1. Click on the Orange button on the left-hand side.
  2. Log into LibCal using your Unitec Office365 login
  3. Make sure you are in LibCal. Click on Accounts in the orange command bar.
  4. Search for the person for whom you are changing the appointment.
  5. Click on the edit icon for the person in the appointments column.(If you do not see the edit icon, you will need to contact Yvonne/Wilma, to give you Admin rights.)
  6. Check that you are editing the correct person’s account.
  7. You can now see, cancel or change an appointment as per the previous instructions
  8. Note that the person for whom you are editing the account will NOT receive emails about these changes, as you are acting as that person.  The Outlook calendar will update as necessary. 
  9. The student will receive the appropriate email as per the options you select during the process.