Referencing Other Material
At the end of your assignment, essay, or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full details of each source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title, and publication information. References over one line long should use a hanging indent to indent the second and following lines.
For how to handle multiple authors, see 'Referencing Books'
Course Handout/Note
Given out in class - not on Moodle
Reference List
Unitec Institute of Technology. (2020). CIBC5015 Assignment 1: Possible resources to help you [Handout].
First in-text citation
If paraphrasing: (Unitec Institute of Technology, 2020) If quoting: (Unitec Institute of Technology, 2020, p. 2)
Subsequent in-text citations
If paraphrasing: (Unitec, 2020) If quoting: (Unitec, 2020, p. 2)
On Moodle
(a) If notes/handouts list an author or lecturer name
Reference List
Jones, K., & Simons, R. B. (2020). TRDS7629 Week 3: Being a good employee [Course notes]. Moodle.
In-text citation
If paraphrasing: (Jones & Simons, 2020) If quoting: (Jones & Simons, 2020, p. 3)
(b) If notes/handouts list no particular author or lecturer name
Reference List
Unitec Institute of Technology. (2020). TRDS7629 Week 3: Being a good employee [Course notes]. Moodle.
First in-text citation
If paraphrasing: (Unitec Institute of Technology, 2020) If quoting: (Unitec Institute of Technology, 2020, p. 2)
Subsequent in-text citations
If paraphrasing: (Unitec, 2020) If quoting: (Unitec, 2020, p. 2)
PowerPoint slides
On Moodle
(a) If slides list an author or lecturer name
Reference List
Thompson, B. J. (2020). ACMN4091 Business structures [PowerPoint slides]. Moodle.
In-text citation (Thompson, 2020) OR (Thompson, 2020, Slide 4).
Note: Use the second option if you are highlighting a particular slide. If quoting, definitely include the slide number)
(b) If slides list no particular author or lecturer name
Reference List
Unitec Institute of Technology. (2020). ACMN4091 Business structures [PowerPoint slides]. Moodle.
First in-text citation (Unitec Institute of Technology, 2020) OR (Unitec Institute of Technology, 2020, Slide 4)
Subsequent in-text citations (Unitec, 2020) OR (Unitec, 2020, Slide 4)
Note: Use the second option if you are highlighting a particular slide. If quoting, definitely include the slide number)
Reference List
Brooks, S. (2012, May 2). Early childhood education [PowerPoint slides]. Slideshare.
In-text citation
(Brooks, 2012) OR (Brooks, 2012, Slide 10)
Note: Mention the Slide number if you are highlighting a particular slide. For Powerpoint slides freely available on the Internet, add the month and date of the slides. If quoting, definitely include the Slide number)
Thesis or Dissertation
(Note - formatting is different for each level of thesis of Dissertation)
Bachelor - [Unpublished undergraduate thesis]
Master - [Unpublished master's thesis]
Doctorate - [Unpublished doctoral dissertation])
Unpublished and in Print Only
Reference List
Wen, C. (2004). Adaptive strategy for VoIP in Auckland using forward error correction over the internet [Unpublished master's thesis]. Unitec Institute of Technology.
In-text citation
If paraphrasing: (Wen, 2004) If quoting: (Wen, 2004, p. 102)
Available online (and so published)
Reference List
Thomas, L. L. (2019). High-density parenting: Design, policy and family-oriented urbanism [Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology]. DSpace@MIT.
In-text citation
If paraphrasing: (Thomas, 2019) If quoting: (Thomas, 2019, p. 77)
Social Media
For all Social Media, note the following:
1. If the title of the post/photograph/video is longer than 20 words or there is no title, use the first 20 words.
2. You need to put a description as to the nature of what the item is and what is attached.)
3. If there are emojis or other symbols on the tweet, you can describe that emoji in separate square brackets. This is not essential but can be included if they add to the context of the tweet.)
e.g. [paw prints emoji} [exclamation mark emoji] (in this case, the emojis would be within the title of the tweet. If outside, they would be in regular text, not italic.
Reference List
1News [@1NewsNZ]. (2020, August 13). CCTV footage shows Beirut blast shockwave severely damaging hospital. [Image with link attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
In-text citation (1News, 2020)
Facebook Post
Reference List
Ministry of Social Development NZ. (2020, August 11). is a new service to help New Zealanders connect to the wide range of employment, education and training supports [Image with link attached]. Facebook..
First in-text citation (Ministry of Social Development, 2020)
Subsequent in-text citation (MSD, 2020)
Instagram Photo or Video
Reference List
Art+Object [artandobject]. (2020, August 13). Theo Schoon 'One man's picture is another man's Rorschach test' polyvinyl acetate on board, signed and dated 1964 [Photograph]. Instagram.
In-text citation (Art+Object, 2020)
LinkedIn post
Reference List
Kainga Ora – Homes and Communities. (2021, September 10). We are looking to create the country’s first national deconstruction panel. If you work in the sector and are interested… [Online post]. LinkedIn.
First in-text citation (Kainga Ora - Homes and Communities, 2021)
Subsequent in-text Citation (Kainga Ora, 2021)
(if there is a well-known abbreviation)
Note: LinkedIn does not give publication dates for posts but rather tells you how long ago the post was written. For the date, guess the most correct date based on that 'how long ago it was published' information.
Online Forum (e.g. Reddit)
Reference List
National Aeronautics and Space Administration [nasa]. (2018, September 12). I’m NASA astronaut Scott Tingle. Ask me anything about adjusting to being back on Earth after my first spaceflight [Online forum post]. Reddit. sa_astronaut_scott_tingle_ask_me_anything/
In-text citation (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2018)
Generative AI is a type of “third-party assistance” (like getting someone else to write your assignment for you, even a friend or family member). Therefore, submitting AI-generated material as your own original work without appropriate acknowledgement and contrary to any direction by teaching staff may be considered a form of plagiarism, and may constitute academic misconduct. If you are unsure, check how you should be using AI in each of your assessments with your teacher – what you are allowed to do, and what you are not allowed to do.
Reference List
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large Language Model].
In-text citation
(OpenAI, 2023)
Personal Communications
Phone calls, personal interviews, letters and emails should not be included in the final reference list according to APA guidelines.
Cite them only in the text itself in parenthesis.
In-text citation (J. T. Smith, personal communication, September 29, 2012)
Authors' names : Authors names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books.
Italics : Only the book or journal title and the journal volume number should be in italics.
Capitalization : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first letter of the first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or an abbreviation that is always written in capitals.
Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval problems.
Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a secondary citation.
For example, you read a book by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971) in which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss book.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. London: Routledge.
In-text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)